Eraya Wirasch

Whomsoever is the Queen, should she be worthy, I shall serve.

General Info

Race:Hrothgar (Currently Serving no Queen)
Relationship Status:Single
Personality:Tough, Protective, Daring
DispositionShe knows the dangers of the world yet still chooses to do what she feels is right.
Birthplace:Northern Ilsabard
Occupation:Crafter, Adventurer, Logger
Voice Claim:A mix of Samara from League of legends and Doll from Bloodborne
Special RP NotesNone at the moment

Eraya stands at 6 fulm and 5.5 ilm tall. As a Hrothgar she has a muscular build covered in fur that is mostly white with tufts of black. Her eyes are a shining gold outlined with a blue shadow. Eraya can usually be found in clothes that show off her muscles, namely sleeveless tops and strappy shorts/boots. While she mainly fights with either her spear or her fists, she has been known to use anything she can get her hands on.


Random Encounter - Eraya can often be found out and about as an adventurer so wherever you stumble upon her will likely determine the RP to follow.Artisan - Eraya is a Weaponsmith, Armorer, Carpenter, and Leatherworker. She also does Logging and Mining. As such, she can usually be found selling her wares.Female Hrothgar - While Eraya has not decided if she will begin her own queendom or not, Hrothgars are welcome to use her being female as a reason to approach her. Whether they merely wish to protect or serve.


Eraya was born and raised in Northern Ilsabard. As a female Hrothgar she was given the teachings necessary to fulfill the role of queen. She made sure to maintain her studies while also learning how to fight and help supply others of the queendom with any armor or weapons they might have needed. She served Queen Wira faithfully, even as they were forced to ally with the Garleans who had taken over their home.Queen Wira knew better than to submit blindly to the Garleans and for a decade she was able to successfully excuse her queendom's lack of efforts towards the Garlean war front. Until one day when Queen Wira was assassinated. No one knew how they got in, how they got past her guards, all they knew was that the assassins were hired by the Garleans to kill their queen. The proof was evident in the types of weapons used.Vlatka, another female Hrothgar, was in line for the throne, but Eraya felt she was weak and not a good fit to be the next Queen. She was not shy in saying as much and challenged Vlatka for the throne. The challenge was simple; they would duel and whichever won would be queen. While Eraya fought hard and true, Vlatka fought dirty. Vlatka used a tool invented by the Garleans to stun Eraya and used the opportunity to knock her out, winning the duel.As Eraya awoke, she realized Vlatka had betrayed Wira in order to sit on the throne as their inside woman. Being a woman of loyalty and justice, Eraya left her kin behind, becoming one of the Lost. She aims to strengthen herself so she might one day return to her clan and challenge Vlatka for the throne once more.For now, she searches for a Gunbreaker who had modified the Gunblade design farther than even the Garleans could. Her hope is to learn what the Gunbreaker achieved to bring it back to her people and help free them from beneath Garlean rule.


Hello there! Thank you for checking out Eraya, I hope you enjoyed learning a bit about her. Below is a bit more information about myself.

Age Range:25-30 years
Pronouns:She/Her, They/Them
Years of RP Experience:20
RP StylePara/mirror
Comfortable RPAll RP
Preferred InitiationWalk-ups and /tells ok.
OOC:IC?OOC≠IC / RP is separate from my IRL

I would like to stress that what Eraya likes and what I like will not always match up. Eraya is her own person, so to speak, and will have her own thoughts and feelings about certain matters. Because of this, I prefer to RP any connections she might have with someone. For example, if you would like your character to know Eraya from her past, that can be worked out, but I would rather like to RP out the past interactions in order to work out how Eraya would currently feel about your character upon seeing them again.This also means that I might like you but Eraya might not like your character. So if interactions with Eraya have turned sour, please don't assume that things have gone sour with me personally.

Other Characters I Play


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